Monday, April 26, 2010

Masterpiece Monday

The proof that I can write it all, have fun while I write it, and keep the passion alive even amidst the everyday chaos of being a mother:

This ain't no moonshine*!

With so many things to write and so little time to write them in, I find my vision clouded. It is one thing to sit serenely at the computer or outside in perfect weather and type words to my hearts content. It is another thing to be doing it while also juggling the professions of, caretaker of two, chef to three, housekeeper, guardian of all things called toys, and mediator for two tumbling tykes who have no concern for the penned word quite yet. Do all this with brevity while carrying a dash of civility, grace, and all the indigestible parts of life right along with you, not to mention the skill of multitasking and you will have conjured up an experience similar to that of a  funambulator* experiencing a midlife crisis, but because you are far more clever than that you will instead find yourself scrupulously reading this wonderfully written book below. Before you know it a refreshing idea will  bloom betwixt and between the words on the pages or the beautiful illustrations that are full of detail and an abundance of curiously keen creatures.

another good hit

*moonshine-foolish talk and thought
*According to a funambulator is,  "a tight rope walker with a big 'bootay' often causing them to tip over and fall to their death." 

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