Friday, November 25, 2011

So Many Ideas...And A Turkey!

What a month this has been so far and it wouldn't have been so without PiBoIdMo! I mean, last year was tons of fun, but this year is even better! More ideas, wonderful posts, and fantastic people....just fantastic! I am amazed at the level of creativity I see each year that I participate. I love the support that this community shows for one another, and the encouragement I receive from them to keep going, going, going. The holiday season wouldn't be quite so great without PiBoIdMo. This much I know is true. It is a great feeling to be united in the same goal: one picture book idea a day, every day, for one whole month! The thing I love about it is that it is not overwhelming at all (unless you are doing NanoWriMo too, which is a WHOLE other story for another time).

It's doable. Doable! As doable as a stuffed belly at a Thanksgiving meal: scrumdiddlyumptios portions of WOW moments for the mind. AND you can be sure I'm partaking of those portions again next year! So here's to PiBoIdMo and the grand EVERYTHING that goes with it! I ♥ you PiBoIdMo for everything that you are and ever will be. My hat's off to you and everyone who makes it possible. My heart is full of gratitude for all of you. So no slacking yet. Keep coming up with those ideas, even if they are few, many, or right on the mark. Participate to your hearts content because it only comes once a year! Thank you Tara Lazar  for putting it all together!

My progress by day thirty: forty-nine ideas, four rough drafts, and a whole lotta fun! 

What's yours?

PiBoIdMo 2011 on facebook


  1. Well done you, wish I could say the same (sigh). :0)

  2. Inspiration comes when it comes...after we "go after it with a club," as Jack London says. :) Keep at it!

  3. Love it! I will have more than 30 ideas this year, proving (I think) that the more you do these challenges the better you get at them. ;-)

  4. @Julie: I agree. Last year I struggled. This year it came easier, much easier! Hooray for gaining experience.

  5. Angela, that is fantastic! Congratulations and it looks like you have a plan of action for 2012.

  6. Congratulations on a month well spent. PiBoIdMo was a great month. Here's to fleshing out all those ideas!


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